"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau





by Gary Martens

Marcus Aurelius was one of the most respected Roman Emperors ruling from 161-180 AD. He was born into a prominent wealthy family and had the opportunity of a good education. His greatest interest was Stoic philosophy learned from his teachers and the writings of Epictetus.

One of the stoic principles he learned was to write a journal to document what he did and what he thought

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Soil - Our Most Valuable Resource

by Miguel Bouchard

Do you eat?

If you do, you have to care about our soil, the most valuable resource we have.

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The Benefit of Weeds

by Tamara Rempel

I was cursing quack grass the other day. I had been on my knees in my garden for what seemed like hours: pulling, twisting, prying, teasing, and inevitably hacking at this invincible perennial. And I thought to myself, “Why bother? Why do I wage this (losing) battle year after blessed year?”

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Mulching and Intercropping

by Gary Martens

It wasn’t so long ago that I looked forward to the new spring growth; the greening up of the world. Then it came on strong, nurtured by timely rains and the warm sun. Now, a few weeks later I am already thinking about stopping some of that growth.

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Energy Transitions

(photo courtesy of Erin Unger)

by Gary Martens

Transitions are a normal part of life. We are always going through some kind of transition. There are many types of transitions; from childhood to teenager to adult, from winter to spring to summer to fall, from no children to children to no children, from one house to another, from one car to another, from reading one book to another. I want to focus on energy transitions.

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