"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau




Natural Systems Agriculture

In prairie Canada, natural systems agriculture remains a goal rather than a reality. Currently, inputs are at the centre rather than having the farming system as the centre. All is built on the system – the possibilities are ultimately determined by the nature of the farming system.

University of Manitoba: Natural Systems Agriculture - http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/naturalagriculture/index.html

Grass Fed Beef Association - http://www.manitobagrassfedbeef.ca/ 

Manitoba Forage Council - Grass Fed Beef - http://www.mbforagecouncil.mb.ca/resources/grass-fed-beef/ 


Woodlot Management

Woodlot management is critical to the renewablilty of wood as a resource, and for healthy maximization of productivity. A great resource in Manitoba is the Manitoba Forestry Association. Check out their web site here. In March 2011 we focused on woodlot management. Our resource person at the meeting was Andrea Kraayeveld. Her presentation touched on topics such as:

  • Selective harvesting
  • Species management
  • Berries, nuts and sap
  • Multi-purpose shelter-belts
  • Firewood preparation
  • and, just a bit, logging with animals.

Manitoba Agriculture Food and Rural Initiatives also gives more information on Woodlot Management here.