"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau



Entries by RHiebert (42)


The First Small Farms Conference in Manitoba

Saturday, January 10th,  11:00 am - 5:00 pm at the Oak Bluff Recreation Centre in Oak Bluff, MB. This conference is being organized by Small Farms Manitoba. More information here.


Candle Making Workshop!

We had a great evening last night during our Candle Making Workshop. David Dawson taught us how to make lovely, sweet smelling, beeswax candles. He described how to make the equipment, how to safely melt the wax, and the dipping technique that creates professional looking candles. We all took turns dipping and within 1 1/2 hours we had some gorgeous looking creamy yellow candles. Thanks David!!


November Event: Movie Night

Just Eat It - A Food Waste Story

We all love food, so how could we be throwing nearly 50% of it in the trash? Vancouver filmmakers Jen Rustemeyer and Grant Baldwin take us on a personal journey of discovery about the issue of unnecessary food waste by turning their challenge of living off discarded food into a labour of love.

Watch the trailer here.

For more info look here.

When: Wednesday November 26th, 2014, 6:30pm
Where: Jake Epp Library, Steinbach
Suggested Donation: $5 non-members, $2 members.


Fall Workshops

Bread Making

Bread is simple.  Only 3 ingredients are essential - flour, yeast and water.  That's all.
In this workshop you will learn a bit about flour, a bit about yeast and some optional ingredients.  You will knead your own dough to take home and bake in your own oven.
Bring a large bowl, a large bread tin (or similar) and an apron as this will be very much a hands-on workshop.

When: Saturday November 8th, 2014, 10am - 12pm
Where: Steinbach Arts Council, 304 2nd St., Steinbach
Cost: $10 non-members, $5 members

Candle Making

In this workshop you will learn about wick vs string, about beeswax and where it comes from, and you will see the simple home-made equipment that you can copy.
You will assist in making a batch of hand dipped candles and you will be able to take home a candle that you made yourself.
When: Thursday December 4th, 2014, 7pm - 9pm
Where: Steinbach Arts Council, 304 2nd St., Steinbach
Cost: $10 non-members, $5 members

Register in advance for these workshops by calling 204-326-3919 or emailing rebecca_hiebert@yahoo.com.


The topic of conversation will be sustainability, but guest speakers Mark. A. Burch and Gordon Matties will be looking beyond that when they visit Providence University College for its annual Guest Symposium.

In the aptly titled event, “Beyond Sustainability: Reimagining the Future of Humans and Earth”, Burch and Matties will explain from different perspectives, their views on the sustainability of the earth, and what it means to Christians and their lifestyles. After they each present 90-minute lectures, they will come together in the afternoon to take on the topic together along with the students, faculty, and public in attendance.

This year’s guest symposium aims to inspire action and reflection as Matties and Burch each provide a unique viewpoint on the important topic of preserving the planet we live in, while at the same time complementing each other to help create building blocks for moving forward and creating change. Please join the Providence community as we seek answers, and equip ourselves to nurture the world we live in.

When: Wednesday Oct. 29th, 2014, 10am

Where: Providence Lecture Theatre, Providence University College, 10 College Crescent, Otterburne

Cost: Free, no pre-registration


10:00 am – 11:30 am: “From Sustainability to Transition: A Challenge to Faith Communities” by Mark A. Burch

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm: “Beyond Sustainability and Salvation: A Biblical Theology for a Groaning Creation” by Gordon Matties

2:30 pm: Refreshments

2:40 pm – 3:30 pm: A Conversation with Mark Burch and Gordon Matties