"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau




Global Warming and Politicians

The other day I was having a conversation with a man in Steinbach and it appeared that he did not believe in global warming and climate change. This set me thinking. Why is it that in spite of all the evidence around us and on the news practically every day, people still won’t accept the obvious truth? When people are in a formal situation like school or university, the teacher or professor at the front of the class gives out information and the students accept those facts as genuine truth. However it seems once out of a formal classroom situation, those same people don’t necessarily believe those same scientists and teachers. Strange isn’t it. You might argue that part of being educated is to question what you are told, and I subscribe to that. But when ten thousand scientists around the world have the facts and figures to prove beyond doubt that global warming and climate change is a major serious threat to life on planet Earth, why is it that so many people want to bury their head in the sand?

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Why do We Want More than We Need?

The story is told, that there was a man who lived in a village by the sea. Every morning he got up and went fishing, After he had caught enough fish for the day he would go home, play with his son, take a siesta and enjoy lunch with his family. In the evening, he and his wife would go to the local community centre where they met friends, exchanged stories, played music and danced the night away.

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Energy In and Energy Out

Imagine a cheetah hunting. Given the cheetah’s ability to run extremely fast, the cat exerts a tremendous amount of energy for a short time in order to catch its prey. Where does that energy come from? It comes from consuming the prey it catches.

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Then and Now

A little while ago my brother found an old diary up in the attic of the house in England where we grew up written by my grandfather. No doubt it was put up there by my father after my grandfather died back in 1948 and had been sitting there ever since until a leaky roof forced a tidy-up. It covers the years 1893 & 1894. Generally speaking it is rather boring though from a family history point of view it covers the time my grandfather was dating my grandmother and it actually records the day they got engaged.

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Seed Saving Presentation & Exchange

On Thursday Feb 23, the Woodmore Women's Institute will host a Seed-saving Presentation & Exchange in Roseau River, MB. Mandy Botincan will expose the wonders of these exciting “old time” vegetables by bringing some rare seeds to show and tell (world collection says there are close to 26,000!) including a photo slide show.

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