"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau




Pro-biotic Drinks Workshop

This past Saturday we were lucky enough to have Andrea Wheeldon teach us about fermented drinks.

To begin Andrea demonstrated how to make a ginger-orange whey based drink. By adding whey from yogurt you create a drink full of beneficial pro-biotics similar to yogurt, whey adds wonderful good bacteria to your gut. We all got a chance to sample some and it was amazing! Gingery and tart.

Next Andrea introduced water kefir. We all got a taste test and a chance to make our own orange/lemon flavored water kefir to take home. Water kefir is a drink with over 40 strains of pro-biotics built right in, it is fizzy and satisfying and good for your body. A great alternative to pop!

Finally Andrea taught us about Kombucha. This is a tea based drink that helps to cleanse your body. Also fizzy and delicious! Some of us even got to take home a SCOBY to make our own Kombucha at home.

Thanks Andrea for such a tasty and educational workshop!

Pro-biotic Drinks handout here.

Better yet, see Andrea's comprehensive blog here.


Seeding Workshop

This past Saturday we had a Seeding workshop at Sunshine Nursery in Steinbach. Spending a dreary, not-quite-Spring morning inside a greenhouse surrounded by lush green plants was very refreshing and

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Producing your own Mushrooms and Maple Syrup - Wednesday March 27

Group Promotes Local Food Production

Written by Sawyer Klassen on Friday, 29 March 2013 (SteinbachOnline.com)

The South Eastman Transition Initiative hosted a seminar about producing your own maple syrup and mushrooms Wednesday evening

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Sourdough Bread - Sat. March 23

Updated on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 4:26PM by Registered CommenterAdministrator


We had an excellent turnout at the Sourdough bread and Sprouting Grains workshop on March 23rd. Angelle Arinobu gave a wonderful presentation with samples of

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Humus: Forgotten Climate Aid, Feb. 27th

Attempts at large scale carbon sequestration have so far proved unsuccesful. Perhaps we need to look more  closely at natural processes to help us capture carbon?

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